HOA Updates

Spring 2023 (March - May)

HOA Updates

Important Announcements

  1. Harvest Junction Village has a website! Visit https://harvestjunctionvillage.com for convenient access to the homeowners portal, Facebook & Nextdoor groups, social events, neighborhood projects, news & updates, FAQs, and more!

We Need You

  1. If you enjoyed our social events in 2022, then we need you for 2023! Sign up to help plan our social events for 2023. We even have an opportunity to get city funds to help sponsor new events. Let’s make 2023 our best year ever!

  2. The updated ARC guidelines have been uploaded to our new HOA homeowner portal. This includes all of the changes announced in the September newsletter and subsequently approved by the board.

Upcoming Events

Neighborhood and HOA board meetings are scheduled for the fourth Tuesday of each month.

  • Attend your neighborhood meetings (NGLA) to meet your neighborhood representatives, discuss neighborhood improvement projects, grants, Longmont City news, and local issues.
  • Attend HOA board meetings to hear official HOA business, news announcements, board & committee updates, and open forum discussions for homeowners.
Date Time Location Event
Mar 28 6-6:30pm Zoom Neighborhood meeting
Mar 28 6:30-7:30pm Zoom HOA board meeting
Apr 25 6-6:30pm Zoom Neighborhood meeting
Apr 25 6:30-7:30pm Zoom HOA board meeting
May 23 6-6:30pm Zoom Neighborhood meeting
May 23 6:30-7:30pm Zoom HOA board meeting

Visit our events calendar for a complete list of events, including social events, city activities, HOA/committee/NGLA meetings, and more.

Board Update

The board’s top priorities for Spring 2023 are to:

  • Resolve questions on the detention pond.
  • Begin next steps on landscape and irrigation system construction defects.
  • Install irrigation controller upgrades. These upgrades alert us in real-time on future leaks, adjust irrigation schedules due to rain, and enable remote management, e.g. for planned park events.
  • Work with the landscape and NGLA committees to create a multi-year master plan of neighborhood improvements including landscaping/xeriscaping, and plan specific landscaping repairs and improvements for 2023.
  • Apply for NGLA grants: neighborhood improvement project (NIP), sustainable neighborhood solutions (SNS), and neighborhood activity fund (NAF).
  • Work with the ARC committee on guideline updates for flags & signs, basketball hoops, clotheslines, firepits, and rain barrels.
  • Work with the social committee to plan our event calendar for 2023.

Spring FAQs

Here are some helpful FAQs for Spring:

Getting Help

The homeowners portal enables homeowners to submit ARC and maintenance requests, access HOA documents, pay monthly dues, and more. Request access at management@harvestjunctionvillage.com if you do not have an online account.

All property improvements require written approval by the ARC committee prior to construction. Submit an ARC Request and include a completed architectural request form, plot plan, design diagram, and other details as necessary. Our Architectural Guidelines can be downloaded from the homeowner’s portal under Documents > Architectural Design Guidelines.

Submit a General Request if you find something that needs repair in a public or common area. Include a detailed description, the location, and upload pictures if you have them.

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